React, JS and Everything In-between

Meredith Davis
1 min readSep 24, 2020

BlogPost 402

Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week.

In class we learned how to whiteboard anagrams, and learned how to attach various methods in order to sort a string and then use Regex to format for the matching. It was a good JS review since we have been focusing a lot on the React formatting for our projects.

What is the difference between state and props?

State is local to a class or component whereas props is passed down to a component from the parent.

What is ReactDOM? What is the difference between ReactDOM and React?

ReactDOM is for rendering the components in the DOM, the glue connecting the two, and React is to house and create all the components.

What is React.createClass?

React.createClass allows you to create component classes.

Explain event delegation in JavaScript and why it is useful.

The whole idea behind event delegation is that instead of listening for a change on the inputs (children) directly, we should look for an HTML element (parent) that is going to be on the page when the page initially loads. This way, when more children are added, the event will still apply to all of them, instead of having to add it to each individual child.

Which new JavaScript / browser features are you most excited about and why?

I am excited about a wireframe extension that I found to help visualize wireframing of websites, and also a CSS viewer to learn more about better formatting for websites.



Meredith Davis

Former Kindergarten Teacher, now a student at Austin Code Academy learning Front Stack Web Development