Coding Surprises 😮
This class is challenging, but I’m surprised at how quickly my brain has learned certain things and adapted to others. HTML seems easier for me now, maybe because it’s an organized layout with labels, and I have learned that EVERYTHING needs a label in order to make CSS easier. Once I started picturing it like laying out my classroom (everything in its place with a visual) it clicked. If you don’t do that everything devolves into chaos.
CSS so far has been more difficult for me because I am still learning what all the different terminology does. I honestly thought the layout, since it’s more artistic, would be easier for me but it’s the reverse. I’m curious if that will change with time as my comfort level rises, or remain the same. Perhaps I just wish I was more artistic. :sigh:
The main surprise for me in this class has been how helpful everyone is though. Someone said they want to get into coding to work collaboratively with other people on projects. I had the opposite impression of what most people in coding do because of my older brother: working from home alone and collaborating only by chat. But that is not the case here in class or at Capitol Factory, and I am so relieved. Teamwork is something I value, and I’m excited I get to work with such great people!